SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Jennifer Swan - Hannan High School
Point Pleasant Register - Delyssa Huffman

Hannan High School senior Jennifer Swan is a very active student who just finished up her last season of volleyball and is currently playing basketball. While she stays very busy with sports all year long, Swan does find time to help out her community and serve as a role model for teammates and classmates.
ASHTON — Being dedicated to sports and serving as a role model are just two characteristics of Hannan High School senior Jennifer Swan.
Swan, 17, is a busy athlete who participates in sports all year long. Whether it’s fall and she is spiking balls over the net in volleyball or if it’s basketball season and Swan is leading her team as captain, this young lady excels in both.
Swan is a former captain of the varsity volleyball team and said that this season, her last one, was a good one for the team.
“We won senior night, but lost sectionals,” Swan said. “I am happy about our season and I had fun with the team. That is what is most important anyway.”
She said that she has played volleyball since 10th grade and that her coach, Brenda Bowman, was always there for the team.
But basketball has been Swan’s favorite sport for as long as she can remember.
“My mom says I was born with a basketball in my hand,” Swan said. “I love playing it.”
Basketball season started last week and Swan said the team is currently busy with practicing. In addition to shooting lay-ups and free throws alongside her teammates, she also practices at home.
Swan is a previous recipient of the Most Improved in Basketball Award. She said that coach Carolyn Cooper has helped her improve her game.
She said that even though her mom never played the sport, she considers her her a role model.
At Hannan, Swan is president of the National Honor Society. She enjoys participating in community service through the organization. The chapter is currently involved in a week-long canned food drive at the school.
As president, Swan’s responsibilities go beyond organizing events such as the food drive. She also delegates duties to other members.
The active senior takes pride in her community outside of school. She said that she enjoys volunteering as a way of giving back to the community.
"I like the reactions from people,” Swan said. “When you help someone out, you can see how much they appreciate it.”
When she finds the time, Swan enjoys hanging out with her friends and relaxing.
Her future plans include attending Marshall University.
“I would like to become an orthopedic doctor,” Swan said.
She would like to always be involved in sports and believes that by majoring in orthopedics at Marshall, she will not only be close to home, but be close to the sport that she loves.
Swan said that she would love to get a scholarship for basketball, but doubts she can multi-task college classes and practices. She also may coach basketball one day.
Right now, Swan is just focusing on her classes and making the most of her senior year. She said that she will miss everything about Hannan, especially the small-school atmosphere.
“You don’t feel tossed around out here,” Swan said. “It’s very one-on-one in the classroom and I like this school.”
She is the daughter of Rodney and Beth Swan of Ashton.
Seniors for “Senior Spotlight” are chosen from all three area high schools and are nominated by the principals, counselors and faculty.