We finally are getting to use the courtyard after 3, almost 4 years.
Now, after a little help from our friends and a lot of help from some students the Courtyard can now be used. It has gravel with four new picnic tables and two new trees.
Students will be able to enjoy fresh air with their lunches when weather permits.
Front Benches
Another upgrade on campus has been the addition of the benches in front of our school.
This allows someplace for the students to sit while waiting to be picked up.
The benches are Wildcat Blue and are very attractive at the school entrance.
Press Box
Late spring, last school year, a storm swept through the community. With high-winds and heavy rains, the raging storm blew our press-box to pieces.
Community and parent volunteers have been working tirelessly to rebuilt a Press Box.

Over the bridge and through the woods
After a culvert collapsed, a portion of Ashton Upland Road was closed and all traffic was re-routed.
Anyone traveling to Hannan this school year has been unable to take the main road and must use an access bridge installed beside of where the old one used to stand.
This blog is so cool. I love reading about our school online and I really like the improvements.