Hannan will be having earlier dismissal today at 12:30 P.M. due to water problems. All other after school activities (Donkey Basketball, etc.) will continue as scheduled.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Donkey Basketball Game 4-30-10
Donkey Basketball
April 30th at 7 PM
Admission $6.00 advance or $8.00 at the door.
Hannan Seniors -v- Hannan Staff
Never heard of Donkey Basketball? It has been a popular fundraising event in small town America since the depression. Ride real, live donkeys and play basketball while raising money for your organization.
• The Players
o All participants must be at least 16 years of age. We recommend four teams with six to eight players per team. If you have a large number of people interested in participating you may have up to ten players per team. Do not exceed ten riders per team. Every participant must sign a waiver (furnished by Buckeye Donkey Ball) and attend a pre-game players meeting. At the pre-game meeting our representative will go over safety precautions and the rules of the game.
We suggest a four team mini-tournament with two preliminary games and a third championship game.
The schedule for the night will be as follows:
April 30th at 7 PM
Admission $6.00 advance or $8.00 at the door.
Hannan Seniors -v- Hannan Staff
Never heard of Donkey Basketball? It has been a popular fundraising event in small town America since the depression. Ride real, live donkeys and play basketball while raising money for your organization.
• The Players
o All participants must be at least 16 years of age. We recommend four teams with six to eight players per team. If you have a large number of people interested in participating you may have up to ten players per team. Do not exceed ten riders per team. Every participant must sign a waiver (furnished by Buckeye Donkey Ball) and attend a pre-game players meeting. At the pre-game meeting our representative will go over safety precautions and the rules of the game.
We suggest a four team mini-tournament with two preliminary games and a third championship game.
The schedule for the night will be as follows:
BOE Celetbrates Hannan
Celebrating with the BOE!
By: Megan Adkins
An exciting year at Hannan is being clebrating by students and the Mason County Board of Education at a BOE meetine Tuesday night.. Tuesday evening students ranging from grades 7 – 12 attended the Mason County Board Of Education meeting. For many of the students it was their first school board meeting.
President of the Board, Tom Nunnery, allowed Charles Mayes to lead the opening Pledge of Allegiance. He stated it was something he had not done in the twenty-one months that he has held office.
By: Megan Adkins
An exciting year at Hannan is being clebrating by students and the Mason County Board of Education at a BOE meetine Tuesday night.. Tuesday evening students ranging from grades 7 – 12 attended the Mason County Board Of Education meeting. For many of the students it was their first school board meeting.
President of the Board, Tom Nunnery, allowed Charles Mayes to lead the opening Pledge of Allegiance. He stated it was something he had not done in the twenty-one months that he has held office.
Senior Joel Weikle, from Wonderland Rock, performs from a mini-skit as board member Dale Shobe looks on.
A small skit from “Wonder Land” was performed by Joel Weikle, Caleb Shaw and Drake Grizzell to kick things off.
Dr. Capehart, Superintendent, laughed and cheered at the show.
A small slideshow to acknowledge the school’s achievements was prepared and shown during the meeting. Samantha Mayes and Alex Edmunds presented the slideshow to Dr. Capehart and the Board members. They were very impressed and glad to hear that things were going well at the school.
Dr. Karen Oldham, principal at Hannan and Vice-principal Amy Kammer took the chance to invite the Board members out to the Donkey Basketball game which will be held this Friday at 7 P.M. at Hannan in the gym. The senior class will be taking on the staff members.
Point Pleasant (WV) Register - Hannan students present accomplishments to Mason Co BOE
Point Pleasant (WV) Register - Hannan students present accomplishments to Mason Co BOE: "POINT PLEASANT — During Tuesday evening’s Mason County Board of Education meeting, over 30 students from Hannan Jr/Sr High School gave a slide show presentation to Board members showing their year in celebrations.
The Board was updated on the press box which is in the process of being completed. This will provide a storage area for teams and coaches, as well as become a great asset for the football field.
From awards to organizations and new happenings at the school, Dr. Karen Oldham, principal and Mrs. Amy Kammer, assistant principal were highly complimented on their job well done for the many accomplishments received.
Several theatre students also presented a short skit of their play, “Wonderland Rock.” Board members were very impressed with the student’s acting abilities."
The Board was updated on the press box which is in the process of being completed. This will provide a storage area for teams and coaches, as well as become a great asset for the football field.
From awards to organizations and new happenings at the school, Dr. Karen Oldham, principal and Mrs. Amy Kammer, assistant principal were highly complimented on their job well done for the many accomplishments received.
Several theatre students also presented a short skit of their play, “Wonderland Rock.” Board members were very impressed with the student’s acting abilities."
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Hannan Ranks High in Ratings
Small Yet....Powerful!
Hannan Band Performs at Regional Festival
On Thursday March 25th the Hannan Band traveled to Parkersburg to perform at the Region 2 Spring Performance Evaluation and Assessment. This event is often referred to as ratings since bands from the Ohio Valley area perform for three musical adjudicators who rate each band. Ratings range from I to V, with the highest score being a I. In addition to earning a rating, bands receive feedback on their strengths and weakness as well as suggestions for improvement. This year the Hannan Band earned a rating of II which reflects a performance of distinctive quality. In addition to earning this rating, the band also received many positive comments. Earning this rating is a positive step for the band as they continue the tremendous growth in their musical abilities. You can see the next band performance during the Hannan Spring Concert on May 4th at 6:00 pm in the Gymnasium, under the direction of Steven Campbell, Hannan High School & Ashton Elementary, Director of Music.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Golden Horseshoe WINNER!!
Ashley Flora wins Golden Horseshoe
Since 1931, more than 15,000 West Virginia students have received the Golden Horseshoe Award in recognition of their knowledge of West Virginia history. Each year, thousands of eighth graders across the state take the Golden Horseshoe examination, and more than two hundred are inducted into the prestigious Golden Horseshoe Society. [http://www.wvculture.org/history/wvmemory/goldenhorseshoe.html]
This year once again, Hannan Jr./Sr. High School is proud to announce that one of our own will be joining the Golden Horseshoe Society. Ashley Flora, 8th Grade student of Mrs. Danita Shaw has carried on both the three year winning streak for Hannan and the personal Flora Family tradition of winning the Golden Horseshoe. Ashley's older brother, WVU Freshman, Patrick also won the Golden Horseshoe exam during his 8th grade year at Hannan.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Picture Day Thursday
Reminder: Senior Cap & Gown, and Sports Pictures Thursday
Pictures will be taken in this order on Thursday::
On April 22, Thursday, starting at 12pm Lifetouch will be here to take senior cap and gown pictures. Lifetouch will be providing cap and gowns. Also on the 22nd spring sports will be taken after school beginning at 3:30.____________________________________
Pictures will be taken in this order on Thursday::
- Jr. High Track
- Varsity Track
- Softball
- Baseball
- Band
Fabulous Fashion
Fashion Explosion
By: Megan Adkins
As the end of the year draws near, it is almost prom time again! It was lights, runway and pose during Friday’s prom fashion show.
Upper classmen helped by decorating for the show, doing make-up and hair and helping the models before the show.
Victoria’s Prom and Bridal and Four Seasons Florist from Point Pleasant supplied dresses, tuxes and flowers for the event. Victoria’s brought twenty different dresses in all colors and designs.
Four gentlemen also modeled tuxes from Victoria’s. Both businesses were giving discounts and taking deposits. Shoes, jewelry, corsages, and boutineers were being sold along with dresses and tuxes.
By: Megan Adkins
As the end of the year draws near, it is almost prom time again! It was lights, runway and pose during Friday’s prom fashion show.
Upper classmen helped by decorating for the show, doing make-up and hair and helping the models before the show.
Victoria’s Prom and Bridal and Four Seasons Florist from Point Pleasant supplied dresses, tuxes and flowers for the event. Victoria’s brought twenty different dresses in all colors and designs.
Young ladies, ranging from 8th to 11th grade, acted as models for the show.
Representatives from Victoria’s Prom and Bridal and Four Seasons Florist helped with the event
Four gentlemen also modeled tuxes from Victoria’s. Both businesses were giving discounts and taking deposits. Shoes, jewelry, corsages, and boutineers were being sold along with dresses and tuxes.
Hannan Miltary
Updated 4-20-10
The Hannan Miltary section is updated as new information arrives. If you have any information you would like to share about Hannan Graduates in the military please email sgue@access.k12.wv.us
Updated 4-20-10
The Hannan Miltary section is updated as new information arrives. If you have any information you would like to share about Hannan Graduates in the military please email sgue@access.k12.wv.us
SPC James E. Anderson Jr. , has been in the army for 3 1/2 years and is currently stationed at Fort Campbell KY.
Although, Anderson has already served over a year in Iraq, in June of 2010 he will be deployed again; this time to Camp Leather Neck in Afganistan.
SPC Anderson graduated from Hannan High School in 2006. He eventually married his high school sweetheart, Cassi McDaniel, who is from Scott Depot.
They are the proud parents of a baby girl, Emma, borned in May 2009.
Anderson is an 88MIC in the army, which is a truck driver.
This deployment though, he will be classified as a 'gunner' on the truck.
The first picture, he is in his Class A uniform, and in the 2nd, he is with friends in Iraq.
We appreciate any community help on this. These students are still part of the Hannan Family and need our support. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
The Hannan Miltary section is updated as new information arrives. If you have any information you would like to share about Hannan Graduates in the military please email me: mailto:sgue@access.k12.wv.us%20Please
Hannan Miltary
Updated 2-20-10
The Hannan Miltary section is updated as new information arrives. If you have any information you would like to share about Hannan Graduates in the military please email me: sgue@access.k12.wv.us
Captain John D. Hagley is the 1999 valedictorian of Hannan High School. Following graduation from Hannan High School, John pursued his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio. Upon graduation from Cedarville in 2004, John earned his commission in the United States Air Force and was assigned to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station where he worked on our nation's family of space launch vehicles as an operations engineer, ensuring communications, navigation and positioning capabilities were provided to our military services worldwide. While stationed in Florida, John earned his Master of Science in Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Capt Hagley is currently on a special duty assignment at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama where he is an instructor at Air University, the Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force. He is married to the former Monica Thomas of Soddy Daisy, Tennessee and together they have two boys (Jacob and Isaac) and are expecting a baby girl in February of 2010.
Hannan Miltary
The Hannan Miltary section is updated as new information arrives. If you have any information you would like to share about Hannan Graduates in the military please email me: sgue@access.k12.wv.us
Spec. Ron Kessel is currently serving in Iraq. The 2005 Hannan graduate is with the 1/150th Cav unit of the WVARNG from Eleanor, WV.
Ron recently married in December 2008. He and his wife, Flecia, are expecting a girl in January of 2010.
Thanks to Ron’s mom Lynda Kessel for getting the information to us!
Hannan graduate Joe Kelly is currently in the United States Air Force. Joe, a 2009 graduate is currently stationed in San Antonio, TX. Rumor has it.. Joe recently got engaged.
Hannan graduate Greg Weed is currently in the United States Army. Greg a 2009 graduate will be in Benning GA for about 30 days. While at Benning his contact information is:
PFC Weed RN: 326, A-Co. 2nd BN. 19th Infantry
3915 Sandhill St., Ft. Benning, GA 31905-5000
Hannan graduate Floyd Cobb has been in the Marines since 1996. He has served a tour in Iraq and three tours in Kuwait. He is married now with three beautiful children and stationed at Paris Island, South Carolina. His mother modestly boasts that he was/is a great basketball player! :)
ATTENTION: Hannan Alumni & Supporters: Hannan’s National Honor Society is sponsoring a program to send cards to ALL Hannan Alumni that currently are serving in the military. If you have any addresses of these Military (former students) please email any and all information to: tedmunds@access.k12.wv.us. and/or sgue@access.k12.wv.usWe appreciate any community help on this. These students are still part of the Hannan Family and need our support. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
Hannan MiltaryThe Hannan Miltary section is updated as new information arrives. If you have any information you would like to share about Hannan Graduates in the military please email me: mailto:sgue@access.k12.wv.us%20Please
Updated: 3-02-2010Greg Weed has recently arrived at his new assignment in Afghanistan
__________________________Joe Kelley, recently got married and is currently stationed out West
Hannan Miltary
Updated 2-20-10
The Hannan Miltary section is updated as new information arrives. If you have any information you would like to share about Hannan Graduates in the military please email me: sgue@access.k12.wv.us

Hannan Miltary
The Hannan Miltary section is updated as new information arrives. If you have any information you would like to share about Hannan Graduates in the military please email me: sgue@access.k12.wv.us

Spec. Ron Kessel is currently serving in Iraq. The 2005 Hannan graduate is with the 1/150th Cav unit of the WVARNG from Eleanor, WV.
Ron recently married in December 2008. He and his wife, Flecia, are expecting a girl in January of 2010.
Thanks to Ron’s mom Lynda Kessel for getting the information to us!
Hannan graduate Joe Kelly is currently in the United States Air Force. Joe, a 2009 graduate is currently stationed in San Antonio, TX. Rumor has it.. Joe recently got engaged.
Hannan graduate Greg Weed is currently in the United States Army. Greg a 2009 graduate will be in Benning GA for about 30 days. While at Benning his contact information is:
PFC Weed RN: 326, A-Co. 2nd BN. 19th Infantry
3915 Sandhill St., Ft. Benning, GA 31905-5000
Hannan graduate Floyd Cobb has been in the Marines since 1996. He has served a tour in Iraq and three tours in Kuwait. He is married now with three beautiful children and stationed at Paris Island, South Carolina. His mother modestly boasts that he was/is a great basketball player! :)
SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Katy Stanley - Hannan High School
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
04.14.10 - 10:14 pm
ASHTON — A straight “A” student at Hannan High School, Katy Stanley maintains an active life both at school and outside of the classroom with her ice hockey team.
For just the past year, Stanley, 18, has been traveling to South Charleston to put on her ice skates to play her favorite sport, hockey.
“I used to play on a younger team, but now I have moved up to the adult team,” Stanley said. “And I am really excited about it.”
At Hannan, Stanley is currently working as an office assistant for one semester.
“I enjoy helping others out,” Stanley said. “I mainly work on creating and posting flyers about upcoming events at the school.”
She also stated that she enjoys learning about the new technology in the office and assisting office personnel with software including Microsoft Publisher, which she uses frequently.
Dr. Karen Oldham, principal at HJSHS, said that Stanley is a phenomenal student.
“Katy goes above and beyond her duties as a student and is excellent at everything” Oldham said.
For the past two years, Stanley also has been a member of the National Honor Society, an elite group of students who are chosen based on their academics and character.
“In NHS, we have participated in numerous community service projects including a food drive here at the school,” Stanley said. “We also are planning an upcoming Math-A-Thon to take place next month.”
Another project came about during the Haiti tragedy. This group of students sent cards to the troops overseas to let them know they were not forgotten during the disaster.
This senior has additionally been involved with Student Council, serving as treasurer last year and is a former prom committee member.
Stanley commented that she is ready for her senior prom, themed “Black Tie Affair.”
A Promise Scholar and the recipient of the Michael Perry Scholarship, Stanley is looking forward to living on campus in Huntington and attending the College of Sciences at Marshall University.
“I always knew I wanted to be in the medical field,” Stanley said. “And since I am good at science and chemistry, I have decided to major in Pre-Pharmacy. I am definitely ready for it.”
After her four years in the undergraduate program, Stanley will attend medical school for another two years. Her ultimate goal is to become a laboratory pharmacist where she will work with chemicals and develop new drugs.
“I would love to be apart of someone’s healing process,” Stanley stated.
She chose Marshall for several reasons. Her mother is a graduate from there and Stanley said she also is a big Thundering Herd fan. MU is close to home and at the same time far enough way for her to be able to grow on her own.
As she reflects on her years spent at Hannan, Stanley said she will miss a lot of people.
“We’re basically like a big family,” Stanley said. “You build new friendships all during these six years and now everyone is going their separate ways ... it’s kind of sad.”
Stanley said her hobbies include hanging out with her friends, spending time in Teays Valley, and taking care of her animals. She recently added four hermit crabs to her already animal-populated home of a dog, two cats, two birds and four fish.
She is the daughter of Eugene and Linda Stanley of Apple Grove.
Seniors for “Senior Spotlight” are chosen from all three area high schools and are nominated by the principals.
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
04.14.10 - 10:14 pm
ASHTON — A straight “A” student at Hannan High School, Katy Stanley maintains an active life both at school and outside of the classroom with her ice hockey team.
For just the past year, Stanley, 18, has been traveling to South Charleston to put on her ice skates to play her favorite sport, hockey.
“I used to play on a younger team, but now I have moved up to the adult team,” Stanley said. “And I am really excited about it.”
At Hannan, Stanley is currently working as an office assistant for one semester.
“I enjoy helping others out,” Stanley said. “I mainly work on creating and posting flyers about upcoming events at the school.”
She also stated that she enjoys learning about the new technology in the office and assisting office personnel with software including Microsoft Publisher, which she uses frequently.
Dr. Karen Oldham, principal at HJSHS, said that Stanley is a phenomenal student.
“Katy goes above and beyond her duties as a student and is excellent at everything” Oldham said.
For the past two years, Stanley also has been a member of the National Honor Society, an elite group of students who are chosen based on their academics and character.
“In NHS, we have participated in numerous community service projects including a food drive here at the school,” Stanley said. “We also are planning an upcoming Math-A-Thon to take place next month.”
Another project came about during the Haiti tragedy. This group of students sent cards to the troops overseas to let them know they were not forgotten during the disaster.
This senior has additionally been involved with Student Council, serving as treasurer last year and is a former prom committee member.
Stanley commented that she is ready for her senior prom, themed “Black Tie Affair.”
A Promise Scholar and the recipient of the Michael Perry Scholarship, Stanley is looking forward to living on campus in Huntington and attending the College of Sciences at Marshall University.
“I always knew I wanted to be in the medical field,” Stanley said. “And since I am good at science and chemistry, I have decided to major in Pre-Pharmacy. I am definitely ready for it.”
After her four years in the undergraduate program, Stanley will attend medical school for another two years. Her ultimate goal is to become a laboratory pharmacist where she will work with chemicals and develop new drugs.
“I would love to be apart of someone’s healing process,” Stanley stated.
She chose Marshall for several reasons. Her mother is a graduate from there and Stanley said she also is a big Thundering Herd fan. MU is close to home and at the same time far enough way for her to be able to grow on her own.
As she reflects on her years spent at Hannan, Stanley said she will miss a lot of people.
“We’re basically like a big family,” Stanley said. “You build new friendships all during these six years and now everyone is going their separate ways ... it’s kind of sad.”
Stanley said her hobbies include hanging out with her friends, spending time in Teays Valley, and taking care of her animals. She recently added four hermit crabs to her already animal-populated home of a dog, two cats, two birds and four fish.
She is the daughter of Eugene and Linda Stanley of Apple Grove.
Seniors for “Senior Spotlight” are chosen from all three area high schools and are nominated by the principals.
Point Pleasant (WV) Register - New ministry opening arms to community
Point Pleasant (WV) Register - New ministry opening arms to community: "New ministry opening arms to community
by Delyssa Huffman3 days ago 737 views 0 14
Delyssa Huffman/photo - Board members for the Crosslight of Hope are pictured in front of their location along W.Va. 2 in Ashton. From left to right Jeanie Nibert; Traci Livingston, employee; Ann Legge; Rosemary Vickers; Claire Moran; Justin Moran; and Marjorie Moran. Not pictured is Board member Brandi Templeton.slideshow ASHTON — One local church community is coming together for a cause — to help those struggling through rough times of unemployment and poverty.
The result of two years of planning, Crosslight of Hope became official in April after receiving their 501-C3 paperwork from the state office. This faith-based outreach program is now extending their arms and service to the communities in southern Mason County.
“We really felt the need to bring the ministry to the lower end of Mason County,” said board member Jeanie Nibert. “Hunger does exist in our area and we have felt a burden for some time for the increasing need to reach out in our community.”
One way volunteers are assisting is providing backpacks for children in need filled with fruit and other food items to be sent home on the weekend. The ministry also is planning a food pantry that will be open three days a week. The first pantry will start on April 23."
by Delyssa Huffman3 days ago 737 views 0 14
Delyssa Huffman/photo - Board members for the Crosslight of Hope are pictured in front of their location along W.Va. 2 in Ashton. From left to right Jeanie Nibert; Traci Livingston, employee; Ann Legge; Rosemary Vickers; Claire Moran; Justin Moran; and Marjorie Moran. Not pictured is Board member Brandi Templeton.slideshow ASHTON — One local church community is coming together for a cause — to help those struggling through rough times of unemployment and poverty.
The result of two years of planning, Crosslight of Hope became official in April after receiving their 501-C3 paperwork from the state office. This faith-based outreach program is now extending their arms and service to the communities in southern Mason County.
“We really felt the need to bring the ministry to the lower end of Mason County,” said board member Jeanie Nibert. “Hunger does exist in our area and we have felt a burden for some time for the increasing need to reach out in our community.”
One way volunteers are assisting is providing backpacks for children in need filled with fruit and other food items to be sent home on the weekend. The ministry also is planning a food pantry that will be open three days a week. The first pantry will start on April 23."
Point Pleasant (WV) Register - Mason County BOE approves 2010 11 school calendar
Point Pleasant (WV) Register - Mason County BOE approves 2010 11 school calendar: "POINT PLEASANT — Mason County Board of Education members met Tuesday to discuss agenda items, including the school calendar for the 2010-2011 school year.
In March, the Board proposed three calendars that would be voted on by school personnel and staff. Calendar A emerged as the calendar that would take effect during the school year. According to the calendar, the first day of school will be Aug. 23, 2010, with the last day on instruction taking place on June 1, 2011. This calendar also proposes 13 out-of-school days for students for Thanksgiving break, fours days instructional and one holiday; Christmas break, four instructional days and one holiday; and spring break, five instructional days."
In March, the Board proposed three calendars that would be voted on by school personnel and staff. Calendar A emerged as the calendar that would take effect during the school year. According to the calendar, the first day of school will be Aug. 23, 2010, with the last day on instruction taking place on June 1, 2011. This calendar also proposes 13 out-of-school days for students for Thanksgiving break, fours days instructional and one holiday; Christmas break, four instructional days and one holiday; and spring break, five instructional days."
Point Pleasant (WV) Register - Apple Grove flea market to start in May
Point Pleasant (WV) Register - Apple Grove flea market to start in May: "Apple Grove flea market to start in May
by Delyssa Huffman3 days ago 418 views 0 7 APPLE GROVE — Summer feels as if it is already here and the Valley Volunteer Fire Department is gearing up to host flea markets that will begin in May.
The first flea market will take place at 8 a.m. on May 1 at the fire department. Cost for a space is $15 and is payable on the day of the event. Space is on a first come, first serve basis. The flea markets take place on the first Saturday of each month from May to September.
All items are accepted except for illegal drugs and alcohol. Anyone wishing to sell firearms can do so, however, the weapons are not to be loaded. All federal and state rules and regulations regarding firearms are to be followed.
Vendors who are interested is selling their goods are encouraged to contact the fire department at 304-576-2237."
by Delyssa Huffman3 days ago 418 views 0 7 APPLE GROVE — Summer feels as if it is already here and the Valley Volunteer Fire Department is gearing up to host flea markets that will begin in May.
The first flea market will take place at 8 a.m. on May 1 at the fire department. Cost for a space is $15 and is payable on the day of the event. Space is on a first come, first serve basis. The flea markets take place on the first Saturday of each month from May to September.
All items are accepted except for illegal drugs and alcohol. Anyone wishing to sell firearms can do so, however, the weapons are not to be loaded. All federal and state rules and regulations regarding firearms are to be followed.
Vendors who are interested is selling their goods are encouraged to contact the fire department at 304-576-2237."
Monday, April 19, 2010
SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Shawn Kauffer - Hannan High School
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
03.24.10 - 10:04 pm
ASHTON — Whether he is leading his peers on the field or in the classroom, Shawn Kauffer of Hannan High School, is an outstanding member of the Class of 2010.
Kauffer, the 4.0 student from Milton, stays very active at Hannan with sports and academic organizations including being a member of the Future Business Leaders of America.
“It’s my first year in FBLA, and I really like it,” Kauffer said.
After being told by his friends and encouraged by a teacher, Kauffer decided to join the organization and he recently placed third in the county in the desktop publishing event.
Another first for Kauffer is being the senior class president. He said that he enjoys being able to organize the meetings and work on graduation plans.
“As president, I am in charge of making plans for our upcoming graduation, like picking our senior songs,” Kauffer said.
With graduation nearing, Kauffer is thinking about his future and what he will miss about the junior/senior high school.
“I like this small school,” Kauffer said. “Everyone knows everybody and I am going to miss seeing all of my friends.”
Kauffer said that he also will miss playing sports.
“You don’t have a chance to get hurt as much in baseball as you do football,” Kauffer said. “But I enjoyed the comradery that baseball offered.”
He played third base for two years on Hannan’s baseball team.
The 17-year old said he will he miss being a Wildcat football player the most.
“My favorite senior memory would have to be the last game,” said Kauffer, who was team captain during his senior season.
He went on to say that it was his best and worst memory, due to a knee injury that happened early on in the season, causing him to miss the first four games.
“I got to finish the season out and I am really going to miss football,” Kauffer said.
Kauffer has played the sport since he was in the seventh grade, and because of his size, he played center. He said that he was able to gain leadership skills and that by being captain, he also learned how to keep his teammates in line.
“It was fun and I enjoyed being captain,” Kauffer said.
While he will no longer suit up in pads and a helmet, Kauffer is looking forward to his college experience, especially his plan of study. Having always been interested in science and crime units, he will be attending Marshall University in the fall to major in either forensic science or engineering.
His interest came about by taking a forensic science class at Hannan. He said he would someday like to work for a crime unit.
When he isn’t thinking about his future, Kauffer volunteers his community. Sports continue to take the front seat in his activities, even beyond the doors of school.
Kauffer assists in coaching for the Biddy League Basketball League and really appreciates his time he is able to spend with young kids in sports.
“I like anything dealing with sports,” Kauffer admits. “Besides golf, I just can’t get into it.”
Other community involvement for Kauffer includes helping the elderly.
His hobbies include watching sports, hanging out with friends, riding 4-wheelers and dirt bikes, and spending time hunting and fishing.
He is the son of Terry and Lisa Kauffer of Milton.
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
03.24.10 - 10:04 pm
ASHTON — Whether he is leading his peers on the field or in the classroom, Shawn Kauffer of Hannan High School, is an outstanding member of the Class of 2010.
Kauffer, the 4.0 student from Milton, stays very active at Hannan with sports and academic organizations including being a member of the Future Business Leaders of America.
“It’s my first year in FBLA, and I really like it,” Kauffer said.
After being told by his friends and encouraged by a teacher, Kauffer decided to join the organization and he recently placed third in the county in the desktop publishing event.
Another first for Kauffer is being the senior class president. He said that he enjoys being able to organize the meetings and work on graduation plans.
“As president, I am in charge of making plans for our upcoming graduation, like picking our senior songs,” Kauffer said.
With graduation nearing, Kauffer is thinking about his future and what he will miss about the junior/senior high school.
“I like this small school,” Kauffer said. “Everyone knows everybody and I am going to miss seeing all of my friends.”
Kauffer said that he also will miss playing sports.
“You don’t have a chance to get hurt as much in baseball as you do football,” Kauffer said. “But I enjoyed the comradery that baseball offered.”
He played third base for two years on Hannan’s baseball team.
The 17-year old said he will he miss being a Wildcat football player the most.
“My favorite senior memory would have to be the last game,” said Kauffer, who was team captain during his senior season.
He went on to say that it was his best and worst memory, due to a knee injury that happened early on in the season, causing him to miss the first four games.
“I got to finish the season out and I am really going to miss football,” Kauffer said.
Kauffer has played the sport since he was in the seventh grade, and because of his size, he played center. He said that he was able to gain leadership skills and that by being captain, he also learned how to keep his teammates in line.
“It was fun and I enjoyed being captain,” Kauffer said.
While he will no longer suit up in pads and a helmet, Kauffer is looking forward to his college experience, especially his plan of study. Having always been interested in science and crime units, he will be attending Marshall University in the fall to major in either forensic science or engineering.
His interest came about by taking a forensic science class at Hannan. He said he would someday like to work for a crime unit.
When he isn’t thinking about his future, Kauffer volunteers his community. Sports continue to take the front seat in his activities, even beyond the doors of school.
Kauffer assists in coaching for the Biddy League Basketball League and really appreciates his time he is able to spend with young kids in sports.
“I like anything dealing with sports,” Kauffer admits. “Besides golf, I just can’t get into it.”
Other community involvement for Kauffer includes helping the elderly.
His hobbies include watching sports, hanging out with friends, riding 4-wheelers and dirt bikes, and spending time hunting and fishing.
He is the son of Terry and Lisa Kauffer of Milton.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
By: Megan Adkins
Jes White, a representative for NASA, made a visit to Hannan today.
Mr. White is from NASA IV & V located in Fairmont, WV.
He brought NASA logo stickers to pass out to students.
The NASA Insignia, (shown on the left) reflects the history and tradition of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Designed in 1959 and more commonly referred to as the "meatball," the NASA Insignia contains the following elements: the sphere representing a planet, the stars representing space, the vector representing aeronautics, and the orbit representing space travel.
The rockets were made with construction paper and duct tape. The students had to roll the paper around a tube and tape it.
They then had to seal off one end of the tube. At the sealed end, the students created a point at make it look more realistically. Everyone went to the football field to fire their new rockets.
While some added too much air pressure and the rockets burst, others flew to the other side of the field. The longest rocket was shot by Allie Call and Laykin Stover.
By: Megan Adkins
Jes White, a representative for NASA, made a visit to Hannan today.

He brought NASA logo stickers to pass out to students.
The NASA Insignia, (shown on the left) reflects the history and tradition of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Designed in 1959 and more commonly referred to as the "meatball," the NASA Insignia contains the following elements: the sphere representing a planet, the stars representing space, the vector representing aeronautics, and the orbit representing space travel.
Jes White shows eighth graders how to make there own air propelled rocket as Eighth graders continue to explore force this week at Hannan. .
The rockets were made with construction paper and duct tape. The students had to roll the paper around a tube and tape it.
They then had to seal off one end of the tube. At the sealed end, the students created a point at make it look more realistically. Everyone went to the football field to fire their new rockets.
FFA Television Debut
Hannan’s FFA Chapter to be Televised
TWIA airs on RFDtv four times throughout each weekend.
Air times are (all times central)
Hannan FFA Advisor, Jenna Meeks is happy to announce that the FFA will be featured on This Week in Agribusiness with Max Armstrong and Orion Samuelson this weekend, April 17-19, 2010.
TWIA airs on RFDtv four times throughout each weekend.
Air times are (all times central)
- 7:00a.m., on Saturdays,
- 5:00a.m. and 8:00p.m. on Sundays
- 8:00a.m. on Mondays
Each tribute as it aired is also posted on RFD website at www.agbizweek.com Click on the “Video Replay” link and then “FFA Chapter Tribute”. This is updated weekly – so it stays on for one week.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Second Annual Rocket Day
Science Class Rocket Projectiles
by: Megan AdkinsMr. Grady’s 2nd Annual Rocket launch is a soaring success!
The eighth graders are getting a new view on things. It’s spacey!
While Mr. Grady’s eighth grade science class explores the application on force in common objects, they built water propelled bottle rockets.
The class was divided into groups of four and each team was given a two liter bottle in which to make their rocket. They took a common two liter bottle and designed the outside however they thought it would best perform.
The bottles were then filled about half full with water and placed upside down on the launcher.
Air was pumped into the bottle and when the pressure was built up... a member of the team would release the bottle and send it soaring into the sky. It was a wet-n-wild trip!
Monday, April 12, 2010
End of Year Picture Schedule
School wide Picture Schedule
- Journalism
- Class officers
- Quiz Bowl Team
On April 22, Thursday, starting at 12pm Lifetouch will be here to take senior cap and gown pictures. Lifetouch will be providing cap and gowns. Also on the 22nd spring sports will be taken after school beginning at 3:30.
Pictures will be taken in this order:
- Jr. High Track
- Varsity Track
- Softball
- Baseball
- Band
Free Sports Physicals
Holzer offers free physicials
Holzer Health Systems will be conducting FREE Sports Physicals on June 2nd at Hannan High School. Students should bring a completed form to school that day.
Holzer Health Systems will be conducting FREE Sports Physicals on June 2nd at Hannan High School. Students should bring a completed form to school that day.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Enhancing Hannan
Ohio Valley Bank helps Hannan’s stage presence by donating $1000.00 to help repair/replace Hannan High School’s stage curtains.
Ohio Valley Bank helps Hannan’s stage presence by donating $1000.00 to help repair/replace Hannan High School’s stage curtains.
Representing Ohio Valley Bank, Mario Liberatore and Missy Thomas
The Journalism Class loves to cover Hannan donation stories!
Cassie Parsons, Megan Adkins, Shawn Kauffer, Donna Duke, Missy Thomas (OVB) Mario Liberatore (OVB), Stewart Duke
Back Row: Dr. Karen Oldham (HHS Principal) and Joel Weikle
Plans to refurbish the stage area being discussed.
Cassie Parsons, Megan Adkins, Shawn Kauffer, Donna Duke, Missy Thomas (OVB) Mario Liberatore (OVB), Stewart Duke
Back Row: Dr. Karen Oldham (HHS Principal) and Joel Weikle
Plans to refurbish the stage area being discussed.
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