Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010

Just a reminder about Hannan’s Spring Open House, dinner and play: The Open House is 4-6 p.m. Complimentary bean dinner is at 5 p.m.
The play will start at 6 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to come out and visit your community school. Get to know our staff and enjoy a bean dinner with your family.
Come celebrate and support the astounding talent of our community students as they perform the musical “Wonderland Rock”.
There are really some colorful characters preparing for the play tonight at Hannan!
Come out and enjoy the festivities tonight!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hannan theatre students present ‘Wonderland Rock’
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
03.23.10 - 10:19 pm
ASHTON — It’s going to be a rocking time this Friday at Hannan Jr/Sr High School with the musical production of “Wonderland Rock” hitting the stage in the school’s gymnasium.
The musical version of “Alice in Wonderland” will soon be enjoyed by students at Ashton Elementary, middle school and high school students at Hannan and the public. Students involved in the theatre department are anxiously preparing for their big moment under the lights.
According to the director Donna Duke, who also is the writer of the play, nearly 30 students, including four seniors, are involved in the cast and crew for this event. Duke says that audiences can expect “joy, laughter and amazement” out of “Wonderland Rock.”
Delyssa Huffman/photo - Hannan Jr/Sr High School will present “Wonderland Rock,” a musical version of “Alice in Wonderland.” Performances are scheduled on Friday for Ashton Elementary, the middle and high school students at Hannan and the public. Pictured are cast and crew members, along with the director and writer, Donna Duke (center).
The storyline finds Alice searching for the secret about how she can become cool. Throughout the two act play, Alice runs into many individuals and characters in the woods. Duke added that the moral of the story is to just be happy with who you are.
Duke, an alumni of Hannan and a retired teacher, is a graduate of Marshall University where she was involved in the theatre department as the costume mistress. After meeting her husband, Stewart, the couple continued to be fully encompassed in theatre wherever they traveled. Around 10 years ago, Duke found herself back at her old stomping grounds where she generously supports all theatrical productions without any funding from the school or community. She also makes all of the costumes by hand.
“This is simply our way of giving back,” Duke said. “Theatre fosters independence, teamwork and most importantly, sense of confidence. My biggest goal that I try to instill in my students, is that they can do this.”
She said that the cast and crew have been practicing for six weeks.
“It is so great for these students to be a part of the production, whether they are on stage or backstage,” Duke said. “I truly believe that if they can do this, they can take on any test or attend college.”
The director, who is very proud of her actors, said that she loves bringing theatre to the rural area because it provides an opportunity for students to be involved in dancing and singing. She also noted that theatre has a place for everyone.
HJSHS Principal Karen Oldham commented that Duke is “truly an asset at Hannan.”
After the curtains close on Friday, students will have yet another performance, next Tuesday at the Lakin Correctional Facility. Duke said this will be the second group of theatre students that she has taken to Lakin.
During their visit on Tuesday, students will be provided a tour of the facility and lunch. Then, it’s showtime for the cast of “Wonderland Rock.”
The public performance will take place at 6 p.m., Friday, March 26, at the junior/senior high school’s gymnasium. Admission is $5 per person. Admission is free for students.
Prior to the play, a bean dinner will be held in conjunction with Hannan’s open house. The dinner is donation only.
© mydailyregister.com 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
West Virginia 67th Annual FFA Show & Sale
FFA Ham, Bacon, and Egg Show &Sale
March 15, 2010 - Charleston, West Virginia
FFA members all over WV have been very busy over the past few months preparing products for the state FFA Ham, Bacon, and Egg Show and Sale. The hams, bacon and eggs are the products of FFA members’ Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs. Dillon Griffith and Michael Bartram, both junior FFA members at Hannan High School, both entered a dozen eggs in the contest this year. Only the top 10 go into the sale. Dillon placed 5th out of 86 entries. This is the first time any Hannan FFA member has placed at this contest. Dillon would like to give a special thanks to Mason County Career Center FFA and Mason County Career Center Alumni for purchasing his eggs for $475.00.
Michael Bartram and Dillon Griffith
“I had no idea that a dozen eggs could sell for that much! I am defiantly planning on doing this again next year!”—Dillon Griffith“I encouraged these two boys to enter their eggs into the contest, they were very skeptical and told me that their eggs weren’t big enough. I explained to them that it was for the learning experience and to know what to do for next year. So they gathered their best eggs and turned them in. Mason County Career Center FFA members helped by grading my students’ best eggs. When I found out my students placed 5th overall I was so excited, because this is a huge accomplishment for us, and something no one at Hannan has ever done here! I am proud of the hard work and dedication these boys put into their chickens, and in the end it really paid off for them!”---Jenna Meeks (FFA Advisor)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
River Cities Gymnastics and Cheerleading team the Junior Rebels recently won a National Cheerleading Championship. National cheerleading competitions attract thousands of participants and spectators and that was certainly true for this year’s competition held in Florida.
Hannan’s Emma Jenkins (7th Grade) is a member of the Junior Rebel Squad National Champions!
The competition will be broadcast at the end of the month on ESPN.
River Cities Gymnastics and Cheerleading team the Junior Rebels recently won a National Cheerleading Championship. National cheerleading competitions attract thousands of participants and spectators and that was certainly true for this year’s competition held in Florida.
Hannan’s Emma Jenkins (7th Grade) is a member of the Junior Rebel Squad National Champions!
The competition will be broadcast at the end of the month on ESPN.
Congratulations Emma!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Basketball Fundraiser
Hannan is hosting an Alumni-vs-Staff basketball game. The game will take place on Saturday March 27.
This year there will be 3 games,
GAME #1- girl’s only (Start time 5:30),
GAME #2 - boy’s only even/odd (Start 6:15),
GAME #3 - the winner of the girl’s game and the winner of the boy’s game will form a co-ed team to take on the Hannan Staff (Start 7:45)
Last year playing time was equalized by randomly arranging players into groups within each team; these groups were rotated at predetermined breaks during the game. Since this method was successful, we will be using the same format this year. For boy’s only, even graduation years should wear blue (Preferably Navy) and odd graduation years should wear white.
Last year there were 30 alumni that showed up to play, therefore pre-registration is strongly encouraged. To pre-register and for additional information, contact Mike Wallace at Hannan JR/SR High (304 576-2571 or 304 743-3212) from 12:00-1:30 of by e-mail dwallace@access.k12.wv.us.
In the event that Mr. Wallace is not available, please leave a message with office personnel of your interest; leave a call back number if you need additional information.
Proceeds will go to the Hannan JR/SR High School Track Team.
Hannan is hosting an Alumni-vs-Staff basketball game. The game will take place on Saturday March 27.
This year there will be 3 games,
GAME #1- girl’s only (Start time 5:30),
GAME #2 - boy’s only even/odd (Start 6:15),
GAME #3 - the winner of the girl’s game and the winner of the boy’s game will form a co-ed team to take on the Hannan Staff (Start 7:45)
Last year playing time was equalized by randomly arranging players into groups within each team; these groups were rotated at predetermined breaks during the game. Since this method was successful, we will be using the same format this year. For boy’s only, even graduation years should wear blue (Preferably Navy) and odd graduation years should wear white.
Last year there were 30 alumni that showed up to play, therefore pre-registration is strongly encouraged. To pre-register and for additional information, contact Mike Wallace at Hannan JR/SR High (304 576-2571 or 304 743-3212) from 12:00-1:30 of by e-mail dwallace@access.k12.wv.us.
In the event that Mr. Wallace is not available, please leave a message with office personnel of your interest; leave a call back number if you need additional information.
Proceeds will go to the Hannan JR/SR High School Track Team.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Board of Education Gives PVH and Hannan Kudos
PVH, Hannan & AEP Partner to Improve Health
BOE recognizes Pleasant Valley Hospital’s donation to Hannan Wellness Center during a February Board of Education meeting.
Mick Cottrill, Mathew Thompson, Teresa Warner, Dale Shobe, Dr. William Capehart and Tom Nunnery (Back) Amy Leach, Amy Kammer and Brian Booth
A big Thank you to PVH and Amy Leach for the donation of wellness center equipment! Hannan High School and community will be able to use all items donated!
Pictured: Vice- Principal Amy Kammer, Bob Baldwin, Margaret Yoder, Morty Gilley
Ms.Kammer has been instrumental in Hannan’s Fitness quest. She will be searching for ways to make the fitness center available to the community. Currently, she’s looking into grants that may help fund after school and/or weekend availability.
AEP River Operations delivered NordicTrack equipment ...PVH donated additional equipmennt and the Hannan Wellness Center is well on the way to being functional for the community
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Time to Think of College
Seniors Feel the Pressure
Deciding what to do after High School.....
Spring is in the air and college decision deadlines are closing in on this year’s senior class. Higher Education has suffered massive cuts and have responded by raising tuition on college campuses across the nation.
Amanda Means recently visited juniors and seniors at Hannan High School
With current governmental cuts and the sluggish economy; attracting new students to higher education is important to all post secondary institutions. Marshall University Recruitment Coordinator Amanda Means stopped by Hannan today to highlight what the local university offers.
All seniors were invited to a presentation by Ms. Means in Ms. Shaw’s 1st block civics class. Ms. Means travels all over West Virginia, Ohio and many other states.
While at Hannan, she handed out information about Marshall housing, financial aid and free applications. It was a great opportunity for students to get informed about MU and learn some of the steps in applying for college.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Mason County Science Fair
Hannan Science Fair Winners
Out of the twenty-two students from Hannan who attended the 2010 Mason County Science Fair, seventeen received honors.
Division II
Heather Ellis wins 3rd place
Division III
In Division II, grades 7-8, teams, Hannan swept the awards winning first, second and third place. First place was Halley McCarty and Tuesday Page. The teams’ category is a composition of all eighteen categories in one.
Division III
In Division III, grades 9-12, the senior high students did very well overall. Two of the three pairs placed. Cindi Adkins, Jennifer Swan and Kendra Black place third in teams. Cody Cupp, Tuesday Allen and Jasmine Campbell placed second in the teams. Zachary Jenkins placed second in his category.
Megan Adkins takes first place
Hannan only had one first place student this year. Megan Adkins received first place in the physics and astronomy category.
Wahama High School brought almost 100 students, but per capita Hannan had more winners.
The state science fair will be held on March 26-27 at Fairmont State University. Registration for the state fair is March 12.
New wellness center at HHS receives donations
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
03.04.10 - 10:24 pm
ASHTON — Hannan Junior/Senior High School is continuing to expand and offer more for its students, including the recent addition of an athletic facility that will serve not only students, staff and faculty, but also the local community. Pleasant Valley Hospital donated $9,000 worth of fitness equipment to the new facility.
“During our renovation project, we decided to donate equipment that was still in excellent condition to a local school,” said Amy Leach, PVH director of marketing and public relations. “And Hannan was the school we chose.”
Leach added that the PVH-HealthCare of Gallipolis Ferry is just another way in which the hospital strives to give back to the community.
“We want to help out and give back to a community that is so loyal to us,” Leach said.
She continued to say that Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High School also received a leg press. Wahama Junior/Senior High School looked at the equipment, but did not need any of the items.
Reportedly, the 12 pieces of equipment were greatly appreciated by everyone at HHS. American Electric Power-River Operations, also have donated three pieces of fitness equipment, including a NordicTrack.
Amy Kammer, vice principal at HHS, has been instrumental in making the facility more available to the community. She is currently looking into grants that can help fund after school and weekend availability.
“We are not only benefiting the students, but hopefully, the community as well,” Kammer said.
Brian Booth, a faculty member, said all of the students and faculty are excited about the fitness center.
“We really appreciate what Pleasant Valley Hospital and AEP has done for us,” Booth said. “I see students striving to be a better Wildcat and in years to come, the fitness center will be a great recruiting tool for Hannan.”
According to Leach, because of the dedication of the staff and faculty at HHS, more things are being accomplished.
“You are hearing more and more about Hannan High School because of what the faculty is doing for their students,” Leach said. “They have a very professional staff.”
Hannan principal Karen Oldham said that since the opening of the facility with its new equipment two days ago, students have been pouring through the doors.
“We have 240 students enrolled here (Hannan),” Oldham said. “And for the first two evenings, we had 40 plus students utilizing the fitness center.”
During after-school hours, the athletic facility is open to sports teams and coaches. However, it also has been open in the early morning hours.
Oldham said that even the cooks at the school enjoy an early morning workout before their work day starts.
“The bottom line is that we are benefiting our students,” Kammer said.
Oldham agreed, stating that ‘academics is a stronghold that we are continuing to improve, but we also are focused on the students’ physical and emotional well-being.”
Jason Shain of Shain’s Custom Signs based out of Racine, Ohio, also will be providing the school with a huge wildcat sign to be placed on the outside of the fitness center.
The improvements and upgrades don’t stop with the fitness center. Hannan also is receiving support from delegates such as Mike Hall and Patti Schoen.
According to Oldham, the delegates are committed to helping improve the junior/senior high school, both inside and out.
The excited principal named off many updates that are in plan to take place including a new outside basketball court with an interchangeable tennis net, an outdoor trail around the school’s pond, and possibly a track.
“Wayne Richardson, our head coach for basketball, deserves recognition,” Oldham said. “He has been wonderful at getting our grants started for our sports department.”
Schoen’s plans include providing each classroom at HHS with additional laptops for the students’ needs. This would take at $15,000-$20,000 grant.
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
03.04.10 - 10:24 pm
ASHTON — Hannan Junior/Senior High School is continuing to expand and offer more for its students, including the recent addition of an athletic facility that will serve not only students, staff and faculty, but also the local community. Pleasant Valley Hospital donated $9,000 worth of fitness equipment to the new facility.
“During our renovation project, we decided to donate equipment that was still in excellent condition to a local school,” said Amy Leach, PVH director of marketing and public relations. “And Hannan was the school we chose.”
Leach added that the PVH-HealthCare of Gallipolis Ferry is just another way in which the hospital strives to give back to the community.
“We want to help out and give back to a community that is so loyal to us,” Leach said.
She continued to say that Point Pleasant Jr/Sr High School also received a leg press. Wahama Junior/Senior High School looked at the equipment, but did not need any of the items.
Reportedly, the 12 pieces of equipment were greatly appreciated by everyone at HHS. American Electric Power-River Operations, also have donated three pieces of fitness equipment, including a NordicTrack.
Amy Kammer, vice principal at HHS, has been instrumental in making the facility more available to the community. She is currently looking into grants that can help fund after school and weekend availability.
“We are not only benefiting the students, but hopefully, the community as well,” Kammer said.
Brian Booth, a faculty member, said all of the students and faculty are excited about the fitness center.
“We really appreciate what Pleasant Valley Hospital and AEP has done for us,” Booth said. “I see students striving to be a better Wildcat and in years to come, the fitness center will be a great recruiting tool for Hannan.”
According to Leach, because of the dedication of the staff and faculty at HHS, more things are being accomplished.
“You are hearing more and more about Hannan High School because of what the faculty is doing for their students,” Leach said. “They have a very professional staff.”
Hannan principal Karen Oldham said that since the opening of the facility with its new equipment two days ago, students have been pouring through the doors.
“We have 240 students enrolled here (Hannan),” Oldham said. “And for the first two evenings, we had 40 plus students utilizing the fitness center.”
During after-school hours, the athletic facility is open to sports teams and coaches. However, it also has been open in the early morning hours.
Oldham said that even the cooks at the school enjoy an early morning workout before their work day starts.
“The bottom line is that we are benefiting our students,” Kammer said.
Oldham agreed, stating that ‘academics is a stronghold that we are continuing to improve, but we also are focused on the students’ physical and emotional well-being.”
Jason Shain of Shain’s Custom Signs based out of Racine, Ohio, also will be providing the school with a huge wildcat sign to be placed on the outside of the fitness center.
The improvements and upgrades don’t stop with the fitness center. Hannan also is receiving support from delegates such as Mike Hall and Patti Schoen.
According to Oldham, the delegates are committed to helping improve the junior/senior high school, both inside and out.
The excited principal named off many updates that are in plan to take place including a new outside basketball court with an interchangeable tennis net, an outdoor trail around the school’s pond, and possibly a track.
“Wayne Richardson, our head coach for basketball, deserves recognition,” Oldham said. “He has been wonderful at getting our grants started for our sports department.”
Schoen’s plans include providing each classroom at HHS with additional laptops for the students’ needs. This would take at $15,000-$20,000 grant.
SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Kayla DeMaria — Hannan High School
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
03.04.10 - 12:22 am
ASHTON — Kayla DeMaria, a senior at Hannan High School, has a passion to raise awareness about suicide and to help others.
DeMaria stated that she would love to someday work for the non-profit organization, “To Write Love On Her Arms.” Her interest in this organization stems from a friend’s suicide.
Another way in which DeMaria assists in her community is by volunteering her time in the summer to work at a golf course.
“All of the money raised during the summer goes to the American Heart Association,” DeMaria stated.
When she isn’t busy giving back or planning ways to change people’s lives, DeMaria is preparing for graduation along with the rest of the Class of 2010 and looking ahead to her future.
One of her favorite memories thus far during her senior year is Homecoming. That may be because DeMaria was chosen as one of the Homecoming attendants during her senior year, or possibly because of the fun and eventful “Spirit Week” that took place at HHS.
Either way, DeMaria is an student with an ambition to succeed in life.
For three years, this 18-year old worked hard to be a leader in the Student Council Organization. By being in charge during her junior year and assisting with fundraisers, she and other group members were able to raise money for prom and other activities to be enjoyed by the entire school.
“I enjoyed Student Council,” DeMaria explained. “But this year, I am just trying to focus on my schoolwork.”
And with four Marshall University classes, she has to dedicate much of her time to excel in the classes she takes at the Mid-Ohio Valley Center and at HHS.
“These classes are much more advanced than my normal high school classes,” DeMaria said.
DeMaria said that a psychology class has captured her interest and inspired her to pursue a career.
“I have always been interested in how the mind works,” DeMaria said.
Her future plans involve attending Marshall University to double major in forensic science and psychology.
“I think both of these areas of study are interesting and I want to mix the two up so I can pursue a career as a forensic psychologist,” DeMaria said.
DeMaria plans to live in the campus dorms in Huntington with her best friend and said she is looking forward to it. Her sister, Marissa, already is a student at Marshall.
“It’s a whole different ball game,” DeMaria said. “Your deciding your future, and it’s a big decision.”
Originally from Elmira, N.Y., one of her hobbies include traveling. DeMaria added that she also loves going to concerts.
She is the daughter of James and Brenda DeMaria of Milton.
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
03.04.10 - 12:22 am
ASHTON — Kayla DeMaria, a senior at Hannan High School, has a passion to raise awareness about suicide and to help others.
DeMaria stated that she would love to someday work for the non-profit organization, “To Write Love On Her Arms.” Her interest in this organization stems from a friend’s suicide.
Another way in which DeMaria assists in her community is by volunteering her time in the summer to work at a golf course.
“All of the money raised during the summer goes to the American Heart Association,” DeMaria stated.
When she isn’t busy giving back or planning ways to change people’s lives, DeMaria is preparing for graduation along with the rest of the Class of 2010 and looking ahead to her future.
One of her favorite memories thus far during her senior year is Homecoming. That may be because DeMaria was chosen as one of the Homecoming attendants during her senior year, or possibly because of the fun and eventful “Spirit Week” that took place at HHS.
Either way, DeMaria is an student with an ambition to succeed in life.
For three years, this 18-year old worked hard to be a leader in the Student Council Organization. By being in charge during her junior year and assisting with fundraisers, she and other group members were able to raise money for prom and other activities to be enjoyed by the entire school.
“I enjoyed Student Council,” DeMaria explained. “But this year, I am just trying to focus on my schoolwork.”
And with four Marshall University classes, she has to dedicate much of her time to excel in the classes she takes at the Mid-Ohio Valley Center and at HHS.
“These classes are much more advanced than my normal high school classes,” DeMaria said.
DeMaria said that a psychology class has captured her interest and inspired her to pursue a career.
“I have always been interested in how the mind works,” DeMaria said.
Her future plans involve attending Marshall University to double major in forensic science and psychology.
“I think both of these areas of study are interesting and I want to mix the two up so I can pursue a career as a forensic psychologist,” DeMaria said.
DeMaria plans to live in the campus dorms in Huntington with her best friend and said she is looking forward to it. Her sister, Marissa, already is a student at Marshall.
“It’s a whole different ball game,” DeMaria said. “Your deciding your future, and it’s a big decision.”
Originally from Elmira, N.Y., one of her hobbies include traveling. DeMaria added that she also loves going to concerts.
She is the daughter of James and Brenda DeMaria of Milton.
Hannan FFA educates third graders at Ashton Elementary
by Delyssa Huffman, Point Pleasant Register
02.26.10 - 11:19 pm
ASHTON — Throughout the week, Mason County FFA students have been spreading the word about the organization and promoting National FFA Week.
Hannan High School FFA members celebrated each day by going to school dressed up to support FFA. From plaid to boots, to the official FFA colors of “national blue and corn gold,” students had fun with their agricultural-related get ups.
According to Jenna Meeks, an Agriculture Education Instructor and the Hannan FFA Advisor, the students worked hard to get the word out about FFA.
Teachers and staff members at HHS also enjoyed a different treat each day that was delivered by the FFA students.
But students at Ashton Elementary received an even bigger treat from the FFA chapter on Friday morning.
Four lessons were presented to each third grade class. They included food products in their presentations and related them to agriculture education.
For example, with the apple lesson, Hannan students asked the third graders how much of the earth did they think produced food. With the corn lesson, students witnessed first hand what a corn kettle looks like and all the parts that make up the tiny seed.
Third graders also enjoyed a pizza and ice cream lesson. For those lessons, they learned about where the ingredients come from.
Those educating Mr. Green’s third grade class included HHS FFA Secretary Abigail Bush, Cassie Parsons, Casey Rowe, and Austin Akers. Mrs. Byus’ students enjoyed the lessons with HHS FFA Reporter Daniel Black, Tiffany Adkins, Dakota Campbell, and Shelbie Waugh. And HHS FFA President Alex Facemyer, HHS FFA Treasurer Zac Jenkins, HHS FFA Sentinel Kaitlynn Hughes, Colt Campbell, and Brad Fannin, provided a fun experience for those in Mrs. Withers’ third grade classroom.
“We are providing fun and exciting lessons to these young students,” Meeks said. “They are learning about the dairy industry and how to dissect a corn kettle through these lessons, as well as enjoying healthy food.”
Monday, March 1, 2010
March Events
Hannan Events Scheduled for March
March 26th: Open House, Bean Dinner and Wonderland Rock /Alice in Wonderland with Ashton and Hannan students and directed by Donna Duke- Open House 4-6 PM with Bean Dinner $2.00 per plate with beans, cornbread and beverage. Play will be 6-8PM in the gym
March 19th: St Patrick's Day Dance after school 3:30-5:30 PM and Ashton 6th grade is invited.
March 22: Spring Pictures
March 27: Staff and Student Alumni Basketball Game Saturday 3/27/10 @ 6PM
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